Chapter 7, Example 2

Note that the following markup fragment is not precisely what is found in the original documents. In addition to boldfacing the ALT tags for ease of comprehension, I removed a number of unrelated tag attributes for purposes of clarity. If you wish to examine the original markup, HTML 3.0 tags and all, do a "View Source" on The Newsstand.

<IMG SRC="/pix/cwru-icon.gif" ALT=" ">
<IMG SRC="/pix/masts/newsstand.gif" ALT="The Newsstand">
<IMG SRC="/pix/globe.gif" ALT=" "><BR>
<A HREF="/cgi-bin/imagemap/ribbon_map">
<IMG SRC="/pix/ribbon.gif" border=0 ISMAP ALT="[--CWRU Toolbar--]"></A>


<p><A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/pix/cwru-icon.gif" ALT=" ">
<b>CWRU Publications</b></A><br>
...including pamphlets, magazines and newsletters published at Case 
Western Reserve University.

<p><A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/pix/extra.gif" ALT=" ">
...including the New York <I>Times</I> and other newspapers 
from around the world.